Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WWW Wednesday May 27 2015

This is a link-up that is hosted by Taking on a World of Words where we talk about the books that we all love.

1) What am I currently reading?

Emma by Jane Austen. I am enjoying it but it is taking me a lot longer than normal to read this. Mainly because of the wordiness that is Austen. It is a breath of fresh air in the sense that the book has substance and depth but it is hard for me to read large chunks. So I am spreading it out with a sprinkling of books that I can fly through.

2) What did you recently finish reading?

Things Fall Apart by Chinau Achebe. This was a five star read for me. It is slightly disturbing but I really enjoyed learning about another culture and people's views. You can read my review here.

3) What do you thing you'll read next?

The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I am mainly going to read this one because I went into Barnes and Noble to kill some time and low and behold I bought a book. At full price, so I need to read this one sooner rather than later. Also I have heard good things and I want to know what the hype is about.

What are you guys reading? Let me know in the comments.

Happy Reading!

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